A three-day PowerBI training was held for the client Bugatti Rimac

In October, we held a three-day PowerBI training in total duration of 24 hours at the client Bugatti Rimac, which was attended by 8 company employees.

The participants gained new knowledge about the possibilities of using the PowerBI service and improved their skills in modeling, automation and data visualization, which will significantly help them in their further work and professional development.

The main focus of the training was on learning the PowerQuery tool, which is part of the PowerBI and Excel services and is used for retrieving, cleaning and transforming raw data into structured forms, so they can be further loaded into the data model. PowerQuery is an extremely powerful tool for processing and data automation, and by getting to know the tool, the participants learned how to set up good data structures and additionally save on their processing time. The training was followed by practical tasks based on real business examples that enabled the participants to improve their understanding of the material through practice and become efficient in solving business challenges they face every day.

The participants were very satisfied and gave positive feedback on the training, and this was showed by their active participation and excellent results of the exercise. They pointed out that they feel ready to use PowerQuery and PowerBI tools independently now, which was the goal of the training.

Our PowerBI trainer Krešimir is a certified Microsoft lecturer and consultant, who has 10 years of intensive work experience with Microsoft data analysis tools and is happy to share his knowledge with clients and business associates. That’s why he took care of the quality of his trainings and the preparation of adequate materials, which stimulate interest for the topic and are easy for every student to understand.

The participants of the training from the Bugatti Rimac company completed the PowerBI training with excellent results and were awarded certificates of successful completion.

New training dates for individuals, smaller or larger groups of participants can be arranged by inquiry through our website or directly on official email.

If you are facing challenges when processing and analyzing data or wasting a lot of time on processes that can be automated, contact us for training! We will help you gain enough self-confidence and knowledge to progress in your field of work!

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