Held Excel training for client BDC

The Excel training was held for clients from the BDC company in duration of 12 hours. There were 8 participants in the training, with the aim of improving their basic Excel knowledge.

Participants learned new Excel techniques and thus expanded their previous Excel knowledge by using more advanced formulas and pivot tables.

Main focus of the training was on entering data in the cell, formatting tables, more advanced formulas like xlookup, referencing cells ($) and getting to know pivot tables. The training was followed by practical tasks aimed at writing advanced formulas that solve more complex calculations and enable quick data analysis. Better Excel knowledge not only saves a lot of time when calculating, but also better navigation among data, formatting them and obtaining more precise analysis results. Also, using a pivot is extremely useful for quickly summing up a large amount of data and for detailed analysis of numerical data.

The participants learned about the new Excel benefits, which greatly helped them to become faster and more efficient when working with data and calculating it. They point out that the training was very useful and that it changed their “Excel point of view”.

The participants showed their interest, successfully passed the training and thereby obtained a certificate of completion.

New training dates can be arranged via website or official email.

If you think that your Excel knowledge is still limited and you want to raise it to a higher level, feel free to contact us!

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