DAX Handbook

DAX Handbook

Welcome to our DAX articles series on beginner to intermediate DAX. After reading through our 30+ articles, you should have a solid understanding of the DAX programming language.

Why DAX Handbook?

DAX isn’t a simple language. The hardest part is to explain its concepts in an easy-to-follow and concise way. 

We strive to teach our students DAX in an optimal timeframe and with the best results, so they can understand its main concepts before trying to write the code on their own or start to expand their knowledge by reading more comprehensive books. 

This is why we started to write notes after each course, so that we can improve parts that we found not clear enough or too complex for most of the attendees to understand. After some time we decided to put the notes in a meaningful whole and this handbook is the result. 

This is going to be our ongoing project in which we will continue to broaden already existing topics and add new ones as our teaching skills and overall DAX knowledge expand. 

We understand that there might be certain concepts explained in a simplified way and in a different order than in most books. If you are an expert in DAX, we would appreciate your feedback on the precision of the way we explained more advanced concepts.

In this handbook, we are going to talk only about DAX in the imported mode. Most of the code also applies to Direct Query and Composite models, but we will not cover borderline cases when this statement is not valid.

This guide is for you in case you: 

  1. Are new to PowerBI modelling;
  2. Want to start using DAX language to produce better/faster calculations;
  3. Need help in understanding DAX main concepts;
  4. Need a brief and concise overview of DAX language fundaments;
  5. Have already written DAX code but sometimes it doesn’t produce the needed result. 


Below you can find all the topics we've written about so far. feel free to comment on each article in case you find it hard to understand or you have a suggestion on optimizing the content!

Select any of them to start exploring our content!

We haven’t finished a few of our chapters, but we still wanted to share this handbook with you and receive feedback. The idea is to constantly update it with more details, yet keep it concise and easy to understand!

We wish you happy reading!

Course Authors:

Krešimir Ledinski

Krešimir Ledinski

Microsoft certified expert in the field of Business Intelligence. His biggest passions are DAX, M, and data modeling.

Kristian Radoš

Kristian Radoš

Experienced data analyst. Advanced in SQL, PowerApps and M language.

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